Minggu, 07 September 2014

Report on IEEE COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer Tours Dr. Rath Vannithamby

Distinguished Lecturer is a joint program with the IEEE to bring international speakers who are competent in their fields to give a seminar in Indonesia.

         A.  Lecture Information
Speaker                    :Dr. Rath Vannithamby
Title of presentation   :5G Evolution and Candidate Technologies& M2M Communications for Internet of Things

         B.  Venue and Participants

Each venue has a specific demography of participants. In Mercu Buana mostly participants are master students and come from industry that have experience in telecommunication area therefore they are excited to learn new technology. The seminar was opened by the Dean of the Master of Telecommunication Management Mercu Buana University, Dr. Mudrik Alaydrus.Prior toDr. Rath Vannithamby DLT session, Mr Lingga Wardhana CEO of PT Floatway Systems speak about 4G readiness in Indonesia and promote their collaborative book writting program in telecommunication technology and business.

In Telkom University most of participants are students and lecturers of Telkom University, 3 people from Sumatera Utara University, and 2 people from Lampung University. Most of the attendees are non members and may be interested to join IEEE. The seminar wasopened by the Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti, attended by the Vice Dean II, Dr. Basuki Rahmat.

In Bali, Dr. Rath Vannithamby delivered M2M Communications for Internet of Things and 5G Evolution and Candidate Technologies. Prior to Dr. Rath Vannithamby M2M sessionon 28 August 2014, Mr Rizkan Chandra CTO of Telkom Indonesia presented Mobile & Wireless System Technology: Business & Industry Highlights in Digital Business Era. Continuing Dr. Rath Vannithamby 5G session on 29 August 2014, IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Section opened 2 days training on 5G Wireless Communication Systems: Prospects and Challenges delivered by Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz, Director of a multi-disciplinary research centre: the Macquarie University WiMed Research Centre (http://www.mq.edu.au/wimed) that focuses on development of medical implant technologies. He is also the Director of the Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory researching 5G technologies.

              C.  Audience Participation/Response/Reception/Feedback

5G Evolution and Candidate Technologies
In this seminar, Dr. Rath provides insight on the development of telecommunications ranging from 1G to 5G and describes the key technologies for realization of 5th generation telecommunication technology. This lecture very helpful for professors, researchers, and students were present at this seminar, in the development of education and research.The participants of seminar said that the topic which is delivered in this Distinguished Lecturers Program is really interesting and it improves their knowledge of telecommunication evolution. 5G itself is a new generation on telecommunication technology. They are excited waiting for the next DLT program.

M2M Communications for IoT
Dr Rath Vannithamby describe definition of M2M Communications and Internet of Things (IoT), their challenge, existing M2M technologies, 5G research directions on M2M/IoT and Intel collaborative university research program.

Below is audience feedback on the DL and the lecture topic.

DLT Class Feedback
  • 5G Technologies it's my dream technologies especialy for Indonesia, I think this training it's important for Indonesian people especialy for student. Be the best doing the best thank you very much. (Ferry Budi Cahyono - Lecturer)
  • This seminar is very useful for academics and telco businesses, but for the layman is expected to be appealing to understand. (Danang Sukma - Engineer)
  • The event is good for the extra if possible with a broad topic not just one topic. (Yuliza - Lecturer)

Figure 1. Lecturing from Dr. Rath Vannithamby in Mercu Buana University, Jakarta

Figure 2. Lecturing from Dr. Rath Vannithamby in Telkom University, Bandung

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